Real-life reviews of whether or not things I buy suck at doing whatever they're supposed to do.

Kreepy Kruiser pool cleaner review

It gets uncomfortably warm boiling-lava hot in Arizona in the summertime. If you have a pool here, you probably use it a lot... I know we do. So, keeping the pool nice and clean is a must since we practically eat and sleep in it during the summer months. Actually, I have slept in it and I'm pretty sure I've eaten in it too. Good thing we have an automatic in-ground pool cleaner to suck up the stray caviar crumbs that fall from my bronzed chest.

So, we used to have the standard Kreepy Krauly, which was working fine until about a month ago. I noticed some thin pieces of white plastic floating around in our pool and realized these were worn off bits of the bottom seal from the cleaner. Apparently, the pool's plaster surface slowly abrades the plastic over time and pretty soon you have a pool cleaner that isn't worth a damn, which is to say it now sucks... just not the way you want. Unfortunately, we caught it too late and the actual housing for the seal thingie got worn down. If we had noticed it early enough, I'm pretty sure we could have just replaced the seal part.

After doing some research online I found out that Pentair had released the next generation of the Kreepys, the Kreepy Kruiser. It was alleged to be quieter than it's predecessor, not that I noticed much noise before... just a muted click, click, click sometimes. Plus, Pentair was offering a $50 mail-in rebate (and still is as of the date of this posting). Sweet... I love saving money, but my wallet would still be $300 lighter, even after the rebate... ugh. Not cheap, but definitely less than some of it's competitors.

Here's an action-packed video I found of it. What the hell is wrong with the color of this dude's pool water anyways? It looks like they're down on the bayou or something.

I ordered it promptly, partially because I was already getting sick of brushing out our delightful neighbor's mesquite leaves from our pool every day... plus I didn't want our pool to look like it was in a CCR video. Only after I ordered the Kreepy Kruiser did I realize that if I had waited two days, I would have been eligible for the short-term $100 rebate from Pentair. Doh!

After I dried my tears, it only took a few days to arrive. I immediately proceeded to hook it all up, which was the same simple process as it was for the Kreepy Krawler, then I clicked on the pump and... it worked, just as it was supposed to. No real issues at all, except I had to remove a length of hose and adjust the hose weights to make sure it didn't get stuck when cleaning out the pool steps. The Kruiser has been working flawlessly since I purchased it. Nice... I love it when things just work.

I guess I'd give it a 1 on suck-o-meter. The Kreepy Krauler would get a 3 since it only lasted about 3 years or so.

As for the alleged improved quietness, I can't really hear anything over the sounds of me munching down the caviar.


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